Skills and Employment Strategy

The Hertfordshire Skills and Employment Strategy is a detailed action plan to help increase and develop both our existing and future workforce.

Releasing our potential

The Hertfordshire Skills and Employment Strategy helps ensure that the county’s workforce and future labour market are best equipped to meet employers’ needs.

The strategy is produced by Hertfordshire LEP, Hertfordshire County Council and the Department for Work and Pensions, and is a dynamic driver of enterprise, investment and key sector growth. 

The first Skills Strategy for Hertfordshire was published in 2015 and later revised in 2017. The latest strategy was published in 2021: 

Read the Hertfordshire Skills and Employment Strategy to 2024

Refreshing the strategy

Hertfordshire's Recovery Plan 2020, created in response to COVID-19, sets out an ambitious agenda that puts people and skills at the heart of economic recovery. The pandemic has had a particularly adverse effect on the classes of 2020/21 and other school leavers, apprentices and older workers. The need for collective leadership on skills development is more important than ever.

The Hertfordshire Skills and Employment Strategy was revised in 2021 to reflect the current economic landscape and to chart a clear route forward.

A county-wide strategy provides stakeholders with a common platform against which to align their own strategies, strengthened justification and evidence for securing funding, and an overview of the high-level interventions required to support our economy and people.

The five themes

The five themes of our Skills and Employment Strategy to 2024 include: Young People, Adults, Employers, Sectors and Places. It also encompasses the cross-cutting priorities of: diversity/inclusivity, enhancing digital skills and supporting a net-zero future. 

Explore the five themes.

Consultation webinars

Stakeholders were invited to attend two consultation webinars in January and February 2021:

Webinar one - 28th January 2021

This session set out the results from the interim skills analysis to give all delegates an understanding of the current skills and labour market landscape of Hertfordshire. It also introduced the proposed themes of the third edition of the Hertfordshire Skills and Employment strategy.


Watch the webinar recording:

Webinar two - 25th February 2021

This session gave stakeholders the opportunity to explore and share their views on the ambitions, priorities and themes outlined in webinar one, and hear the interim results of the survey and next steps.


Watch the webinar recording:

Got a question?
Caroline Cartwright is Skills, Employment and Apprenticeship Lead.
Hertfordshire Skills And Employment Strategy 2021 Logo